Tuesday, June 2, 2009


it is pretty disgusting and hard to swallow what these clowns (politicians) have done to the United States of America, shame on them and history will remember them and their supporters as a plague on our nation, Do the math, Last estimates I have heard is this bailout is going to cost us almost $8 trillion when all is said and done. That includes interest, higher insurance rates, trade concessions and so on, $8 Trillion, thats $8 TRILLION. If that money was given directly to the American people, even those who do not pay taxes,itwould be roughly $11,000 per person, $44,000 for a family off four. That would have fixed the housing market and auto industry on top of the banks, all without gov't intervention. What is crazy is if anybody disagreese with these lunatics, we are called fanatics or wacos, I am ready for another change, And if takes a revolution or gov't over throw, I am all for it

Thursday, May 28, 2009


This was sent to me by my senior senator, example of the confusing bullshit rammed down our throats by the feds;

Dear Mr. Studmuffin (Added for my amusement) Thank you for writing to me regarding your concern with the potential blockage of the bonuses awarded to the employees of AIG. I agree with you that it is critical that we not abrogate contract law, which forms the foundation of the American legal system, no matter how offensive we may find the actions of those individuals. For that reason, I wrote a letter, cosigned by 43 of my Senate colleagues, to the CEO of AIG asking that he immediately renegotiate or rescind the bonuses the contracts, so as to recoup the payments and make the American taxpayer whole. As a result of the pressure from this letter and other actions taken by Congress, AIG employees have committed to paying back much of the $165 million dollars in bonuses handed out without the abrogation of contracts. I will continue to monitor this situation closely, and explore every available avenue to achieve the goal of recovering bonus money without damaging contract law.Again, thank you for contacting me on this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of further assistance on this, or any other matter.Sincerely,Charles E. SchumerUnited States Senator

So let me see if I understand. Chuck did not want to the Fed Gov't to interfere with private contracts in a publicly traded company, so he used his position in the Fed Gov't to force AIG to rescind said contracts. What is the difference?


Well, Just learning more on the new Supreme Court Justice-to be Sotomayer. Not at all impressed. And in fact a little worried.
For some reason, I always thought that the bench(at any level of the Justice system) should be there to interpret the law. Not to make law, not to make a political statement but to interpret the law.
And she was hand selected by our elected President, Nice...
And the GOP reportedly will just stand by and let this mouthpiece for liberal propaganda waltz into one of the most important non-elected gov't positions in the country un-contested, really... And they want me to keep supporting them?